ChumCraft Charter

Gameplay and Community

ChumCraft is a private survival multiplayer Minecraft community that aims to maintain a feel of original Vanilla gameplay while adding some quality-of-life improvements. Additionally, we aim to be open and inviting to those who wish to play, have comradeship, and work together to grow our community. Community decisions can be brought forward by any member of the community and are open to discussion and vote by all members via Discord with the final decision being made by our administrators. Some choices have been and will be made for technical, redstone, or farming reasons.

We will generally perform a world reset whenever terrain generation in the Overworld requires it during an update. We may periodically reset the End without a full world reset when needed. Other times requiring a world reset will be a matter of community discussion and will only be done if the community feels it is needed.


Membership will have two pathways. The first pathway is being invited by an existing member. Any member who is in good standing and is no longer in their probationary period can invite 2 other players in a given month. The inviting member will then be responsible for the actions of that new member during their probationary period. If that player is banned, the inviting player is also banned. The second pathway to membership is via a public application.

Probationary memberships will convert to full memberships contingent upon maintaining a good standing within the community and spending enough time on the server for other players to get to know you. Probationary members will be evaluated at the end of 60 days to determine if full membership should be granted. Probationary memberships carry with them several restrictions: no access to TNT or End Crystals for the first 30 days, no ability to vote on discussion topics, and no ability to vote on new members. Probationary members can not invite new members for the first 30 days but will be allowed a single invite during their second 30 days.

Members found to be inactive for more than 180 days will be given the inactive role and removed from the whitelist. Upon returning and wishing to play, please speak with an admin to reactivate your access. Players with an inactive role for extended periods may be removed from Discord as a security precaution.

Meet the admins


Co-founder, MC Admin, Server Admin, all-around asshole.


Co-founder, MC Admin, Server Admin.